The Covid-19 pandemic caused major changes in virtually all businesses. After slow but steady growth over the years, the shift to digital in pan-industry was made overnight. The education sector was at the forefront of this wave, with a number of established and new edtech apps.

India’s education sector had been stagnant for a long time. The digital revolution has brought about a change in the learning environment. Online learning was made possible by the pioneers of edtech. Despite these advances, brick-and-mortar learning institutions remained dominant. Covid’s sudden appearance made this impossible. Online was the only way to go.

Online learning and the edtech sector played an important role in the education of millions of people worldwide during the pandemic. Students and professionals alike saw a tremendous rise in online learning platforms. However, the world is now returning to normality with offices opening and students returning to classrooms. This means that edtech companies need to adapt to meet the changing demand.

Edtech must focus now on the convergence between online and offline learning in order to remain relevant and traction in changing circumstances. Hybrid learning is now a reality. Both online and offline aspects are equally important in attracting and keeping students/learners. The prospect of completely online education is not appealing after two years of being isolated and kept at home. Many startups are reorienting their business models in order to bring physical education back into the online space. These are the most pressing issues. Online-first edtech startups must move quickly in order to adapt to this new environment.

Two methods can help you achieve this:

Partnership with educational institutions

Lack of infrastructure and facilities is the biggest obstacle to growth for the next generation of edtech startups. You can overcome this problem by forming partnerships with select universities across the country. With the help of edtech startups traditional Indian educational institutions can bring their offline structures online. This will make it easier for students in metro and non-metro areas to access and is also more accessible. Access to the existing resources of universities is another way that Edtech companies can be empowered. The combination of an online component and this synergy exponentially increases the quality education available.

This framework can be used by edtech startups to offer their services to a wider audience. They can also achieve economies of scale if they are able to successfully use it. This allows them to offer their services at a lower price and increases their potential market.

Adopting an Omnichannel Growth Model

Edtech companies can also open their own offline centers, instead of partnering with existing institutions. This omnichannel model offers edtech firms the ability to control every aspect of the learning experience they offer platforms. A network of these centres can be strategically managed to reach students in key tier II and III cities. This allows for high traction and serves as a catchment area for learners. These touchpoints are essential for strengthening and enhancing the online education. They also help build trust and satisfy the growing demand to mentor inter-personally.

By Manali